TeenTalk Mentoring & WYLC Radio

Giving teens a safe space to explore their voices

Adolescence is one of the most turbulent times of a person’s life, and too many teens must work through these changes alone. YLC’s TeenTalk Mentoring Program intercedes with mentors ready to help them navigate the storm.

WYLC Radio

WYLC TeenTalk Radio is the ultimate Xpression of self, discussing topics that impact, empower, and inspire, youth to engage in meaningful dialogue about issues that concern and affect them. Through media production, podcasting, and radio broadcasting, we infuse the art of communication, active listening, critical thinking and conflict resolution.

Build the WYLC Studio with Us!

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Personal Mapping Journey

Danielle Hillman, founder of RFH Inc. presents the Personal Mapping Journey. Personal Mapping is a process of creating a personal life plan to map out and define clear, strategically planned pathways to get us to our desired destinations. Workshops are designed to help individuals gain insight into their choices and decision-making processes, skill development, learning new approaches and methods to overcome obstacles in their lives.

Start your YLCOTA Experience

Whether your student is a talented starlet ready to shine or a creative dreamer looking to open doors, they’ll find their place at the Youth Life Center of the Arts. Schedule your Family Orientation visit today to get started.