Ways to Give

Support Youth Arts Education

Empower teens to speak their truth in the Arts

The Youth Life Center of the Arts needs your support to serve more of our youth. Our arts-based programs and teen-friendly center are full to bursting! It’s time for a larger facility to deliver the stellar impact we’re known for.


Years of

Serving Clayton County Youth

Monthly Giving

As a dedicated Dream Builder, your reliable support enables us to provide youth development and creative Xpression programming all year long.


Your support of youth exploration in the arts gives our community hope for the future, and pays off in a variety of ways that grow your business.

Support Youth in the Arts

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Start your YLCOTA Experience

Whether your student is a talented starlet ready to shine or a creative dreamer looking to open doors, they’ll find their place at the Youth Life Center of the Arts. Schedule your Family Orientation visit today to get started.